Saturday, June 5, 2021

Preparing for my MO-500

A while ago I had passed my MO-400. There is just one more exam left to go, which is the MO-500. I haven't gone through much of the GMetrix reviews yet but already seems confusing to me. Hopefully it's not, but a challenge is always nice :)

Friday, May 14, 2021

MOS Expert

I have just recently passed my MO-201 (Excel Expert) and now I have achieved my MOS Expert Badge :D The Excel Expert exam was kind of stressful and difficult for me. The things that I struggled with the most is deciding what formulas I should use. The tasks just tell me what it wants done but sometimes I don't know how to go about doing it. Some require a combination of formulas (for example, combining a NOT function and an AND function to put into an IF function. But despite struggling on those tasks I ended up still passing. 

Sunday, May 9, 2021

MOS Word Expert

I am proud to say that I have passed my MOS Word Expert exam. At first I was a little bit intimidated by the fact that it's an "Expert" version and I was not really sure what to expect. The GMetrix review was really helpful to prepare for this exam. It helped me get familiar with features that I did not even know existed in Microsoft Word. I'm definitely looking forward to achieving the MOS Excel Expert badge/certificate next.

Friday, May 7, 2021

A First Time In A Long Time

This week some family came over for the first time in a long time. Ever since this pandemic I haven't seen any of my family members for a while. We still don't go out to eat in public places and restaurants so we just order and eat at home. We ordered Thai food from a place that we always eat at (not sure what it is called). It was nice to spend time and see them again.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

MO-300, MOS Associate

Just completed and passed my MO-300! Despite having a huge headache and fever from the vaccine, I surprised myself that I was able to out score my last two exams. Now that I have passed the MO-100,200, and 300 I am proud to say that I have earned my MOS Associate badge. Onto the next one, Word and Excel expert to hopefully earn my MOS Expert badge.

Friday, April 30, 2021

Pre-2nd Dose Thoughts

Tomorrow morning I will be getting my second dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine. I'm going to get it at the Las Vegas Convention Center and I'm not excited to wait in a line for 2 hours. I plan to head there early so that maybe I will be there before the lines get too long. Hopefully I don't feel horrible after getting the shot since I'm planning to take the PowerPoint exam on Sunday. 

Friday, April 23, 2021

Job Hunting

A while ago I have been job hunting for openings near my area. Unfortunately I had to hold off on the job hunting for a few weeks and I'm still holding off for another week or two. It's a good time to prepare ahead of time for the one thing I'm nervous about the most when it comes to job hunting. The interview. Communication is probably one of my weaker abilities, and when I become nervous, my brain and mouth don't work together. I remember reading Nooks post about her experiences and the interview questions that she frequently came across, and I have plans to prepare for those questions.

Monday, April 19, 2021


For the last many years, maybe about 5-6 years, I have had a pretty bad sleeping schedule. Well for me, it's normal but people usually sleep around 9-12 at night. The time I usually sleep is during the hours of 4-7 AM and I wake up around 3-4 PM. I like sleep, and it's nice to sleep but if I had a choice to not have to sleep ever I would choose it. It is "recommended" to sleep 8 hours a day for adults and if I sleep for 8 hours a day my whole life, then a third of my life would just be spent sleeping. I just think of the things that I can do with that extra time that is spent sleeping.

Saturday, April 17, 2021


This is Bogart, or Bogie, which is what I usually called him. He is a dachshund and he loves to eat and sleep. It was my aunts dog. When she moved in with my family, she brought Bogie with her as well and most of the time she wasn't home so I was usually the one that was taking care of him, feeding him, showering him, etc. He was a nice dog, but he wasn't very energetic and never played with any toys. He just slept all day, and if you wanted to get his attention, you needed food in your hand.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


For my 19th birthday, I was able to get out of the house since I have gotten my vaccine. My brother took me to a place called CrunCheese near a Chinatown Plaza. It is a Korean food place that sells Hot Dogs. It was my first time trying it and I thought it was pretty good. I would recommend that place if anyone is looking for something new to try.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

MOS Excel (MOS-200) Exam

Just completed my MOS Excel exam and I passed! I was a little nervous for this one because the GMetrix reviews were difficult for me and it gave me the perception that the MOS Excel exam were going to be like it. Even though I happened to find Microsoft Word much easier to use than Excel, I ended up scoring higher than my last exam surprisingly. Anyways, I hope my other classmates were able to pass their excel exam as well. Onto the next one! : )

Monday, March 15, 2021

Chill, Relaxing Music

Whenever I do anything, whether I am playing video games, studying, or lying down, most of the time I am listening music on Spotify. One of the genres that I typically listen to when I just want to relax and chill is lo-fi and instrumentals. As of recently, I just discovered that one of my close friends has put his music on Spotify. He makes nice calming lo-fi and instrumental music. If you guys enjoy this type of music/genre then you should definitely check it out. You can search him up on Spotify @Jerstin or you can use the link below.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Forming Habits

One of the things I struggle with the most in my daily life is forming a good habit. I have this concept in my head of how I can make my lifestyle healthier. Many times, I've attempted to fix my sleeping schedule but here I am doing my work at 4 AM. It usually ended up only lasting 2 or 3 weeks before I end up staying up late again. I used to work out at least 5 times a week, which lasted about 3-4 months before I stopped. Maybe some day, I will have the discipline to keep my habits and not just randomly break them.

Friday, February 26, 2021

MOS Word Exam

I have just recently taken the MOS Word Exam and passed! It was a 50 minute exam with 8 different projects, each containing about 5 tasks each. The practice exams really helped me breeze through the real exam. There were some things in the practice exam that Cengage did not teach which allowed me to spend more time on the tasks that I had trouble on. Even though I took my time to read each task, and took about 3-4 minutes to do a few tasks, I still had 10 minutes to spare. One of the tasks that I struggled with was rearranging the numbers on a SmartArt from left to right (it was originally right to left) while keeping the arrangement of the boxes and text. I was unsure if there was an option to do that, but I had just ended up manually deleting and retyping the numbers instead. I don't remember what the exact task was, but I still have the concept in my head.  

Friday, February 19, 2021

SOLIDWORKS Certification

As I am taking this class, thinking about the certification exams that I will be taking. I remembered about a certification exam that I had taken during my junior year of high school. I was taking a Manufacturing Technologies class and learned how to use SOLIDWORKS from my freshman year. Throughout the years of using SOLIDWORKS, I mainly used it to model, precisely recreate a variety of parts, and assemble those parts together. Unfortunately I was a few points away from earning the certification exam but I did not invest enough time into preparing myself for it. I would attempt to retake and prepare for the exam but SOLIDWORKS is an extremely expensive program which I don't have anymore since it was given to me for free for the duration of the class. 

Friday, February 12, 2021

An Endless Cycle

Ever since March, I've been stuck in this endless cycle, living the same day over and over. I'm unemployed and there is a pandemic going on currently, so most days I would be in my house, sometimes for weeks and months at a time. Occasionally I would leave my house to practice driving to earn my license, and even go out for walks just to get some fresh air. For the first few months, it was fine. It felt like I was just taking a break, giving some time to myself to relax. But as time goes, and the more days that I am stuck in my house, I become burnt out of things that I enjoy doing the most, such as playing video games. I am looking forward to the days that this cycle would be over and that life would be back to normal, where I don't have to worry about catching a virus in public. 

Friday, January 29, 2021

I am Daniel Docus

I am 18 years old and graduated from Cimarron-Memorial High School as the Class of 2020. I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. I lived there for about 4 or 5 years before moving to the Philippines. Though I am Filipino and have been exposed to my native language, Tagalog, my whole life inside of my household, I am unable to speak it but able to understand simple conversational Tagalog. After a year had passed I then moved to the place where I am now, Las Vegas. 12 years and going. Though I mostly stay indoors, I still despise the Vegas weather and intense heat but always look forward to the cold winters.

Things I like to do during my leisure is play video games and guitar. Video Games have been a huge apart of my life. When I was 5 years old I was gifted a Gameboy and played games like Pokémon for hours everyday. As of right now, I like to play a variety of games on my PC such as League of Legends, Valorant, Genshin Impact, etc. Ever since the start of quarantine, at March, I began to learn the guitar. At first I used an old guitar that I had laying around my house but eventually my parents gifted me a new guitar as a graduation gift since I had invested a lot of my time into learning. Currently, I have been learning for about 10 months now and am now able to play a handful of songs : ). 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

My First Impressions of IS101

So far I am enjoying IS101. Everything is simple and easy to follow and all of the assignments so far are not tedious work and teach me things that I can apply to other classes and the real world. One thing that I have never really done was organize my files and emails into various folders. One of the more helpful tools was from the first assignment which aided me in setting up folders and inbox rules so that everything is organized into it's respective folder. It makes checking my email much more convenient since I find myself struggling to find the right emails from time to time. I am looking forward to what other helpful tools and features that I will learn during this spring semester of IS101.