Friday, January 29, 2021

I am Daniel Docus

I am 18 years old and graduated from Cimarron-Memorial High School as the Class of 2020. I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. I lived there for about 4 or 5 years before moving to the Philippines. Though I am Filipino and have been exposed to my native language, Tagalog, my whole life inside of my household, I am unable to speak it but able to understand simple conversational Tagalog. After a year had passed I then moved to the place where I am now, Las Vegas. 12 years and going. Though I mostly stay indoors, I still despise the Vegas weather and intense heat but always look forward to the cold winters.

Things I like to do during my leisure is play video games and guitar. Video Games have been a huge apart of my life. When I was 5 years old I was gifted a Gameboy and played games like Pokémon for hours everyday. As of right now, I like to play a variety of games on my PC such as League of Legends, Valorant, Genshin Impact, etc. Ever since the start of quarantine, at March, I began to learn the guitar. At first I used an old guitar that I had laying around my house but eventually my parents gifted me a new guitar as a graduation gift since I had invested a lot of my time into learning. Currently, I have been learning for about 10 months now and am now able to play a handful of songs : ). 


  1. Thank you for sharing your background with the class and the world :-) You prefer cold winters over the intense heat, cool. Maybe you'll show us your guitar skills at a later class meeting?

  2. Wow, that's nice that you've been exposed to a few different environments! And I'm also one to look forward to cooler weather in Vegas. I have allergies, so the wind is a no, but straight cold, and rain (or the occasional snow) are perfect!

  3. You've been quite a few places...I have never been outside of the USA. Your interests are somewhat similar to mine, as I was intrigued by guitar at about the age of 24 and have been practicing on and off with it for years. Been through a lot of video games as well. What music genre do you like? I've been practicing a lot of Metal lately. Yep, I prefer a cooler climate than Las Vegas. Nice to meet you.

  4. I have seen that guitar sitting in your bed in our WebEx meeting and wondered if you played or not but its cool to finally find out that you do. I play a variety of brass instruments such as the Tuba, Baritone, Trumpet, and Trombone.

  5. Truthfully I use to love playing Pokemon as a kid. So much so that once I got a Switch I bought Pokemon just to reminisce.

  6. I went to Cimarron-Memorial High School also in the beginning of 93 for about a week and returned to the Old Las Vegas High school in downtown.Your birthday is also my daughters birthday!

  7. Daniel: thank you for introducing yourself! You're incredibly young and my hope is that you keep challenging yourself everyday. Adult life takes a toll on one's personal creativity and time. Keeping making time for you and the guitar.

  8. I applaud you for being self learner and master a skill like playing guitar. It is a wise decision to join college at your young age as that is the time to focus on yourself before you have other obligations to distract you.
    Keep up the good work Daniel!

  9. I always wanted to go to Hawaii, but it's too expensive. Anyway, I hope your journey into college has been well so far.

  10. It is really cool that you have lived in places outside of continental United States. I hope to visit Hawaii some day and the natural beauties it has to offer.

  11. My grandma is Hawaiian but they also live here in Vegas, they take vacations to Hawaii every now and then. I aslo love video games and I play almost every day. I play Genshin too and I think I have been playing it every day since it came out.
