Wednesday, April 14, 2021


For my 19th birthday, I was able to get out of the house since I have gotten my vaccine. My brother took me to a place called CrunCheese near a Chinatown Plaza. It is a Korean food place that sells Hot Dogs. It was my first time trying it and I thought it was pretty good. I would recommend that place if anyone is looking for something new to try.


  1. Happy 19th birthday :-) Glad you are able to get out of your house now ^_^ Cruncheese, cool name.

  2. That looks incredible! Happy birthday. TMI but I'd need like 10 Lactaids for that.

  3. Looks good might have to stop by and try it out sometime.

  4. Happy Birthday, that looks really good. I still haven't gone out after getting my vaccine. Did you still have to wear a mask? I doubt they would let anyone not wear masks, vaccine or not.

  5. I went to Sul & Bean that was right next to this place and tonight I planned on going here to get some good hot dogs. Now I'm really excited!

  6. Dang that picture looks good, I might have to give it a try.
