Friday, February 26, 2021

MOS Word Exam

I have just recently taken the MOS Word Exam and passed! It was a 50 minute exam with 8 different projects, each containing about 5 tasks each. The practice exams really helped me breeze through the real exam. There were some things in the practice exam that Cengage did not teach which allowed me to spend more time on the tasks that I had trouble on. Even though I took my time to read each task, and took about 3-4 minutes to do a few tasks, I still had 10 minutes to spare. One of the tasks that I struggled with was rearranging the numbers on a SmartArt from left to right (it was originally right to left) while keeping the arrangement of the boxes and text. I was unsure if there was an option to do that, but I had just ended up manually deleting and retyping the numbers instead. I don't remember what the exact task was, but I still have the concept in my head.  

Friday, February 19, 2021

SOLIDWORKS Certification

As I am taking this class, thinking about the certification exams that I will be taking. I remembered about a certification exam that I had taken during my junior year of high school. I was taking a Manufacturing Technologies class and learned how to use SOLIDWORKS from my freshman year. Throughout the years of using SOLIDWORKS, I mainly used it to model, precisely recreate a variety of parts, and assemble those parts together. Unfortunately I was a few points away from earning the certification exam but I did not invest enough time into preparing myself for it. I would attempt to retake and prepare for the exam but SOLIDWORKS is an extremely expensive program which I don't have anymore since it was given to me for free for the duration of the class. 

Friday, February 12, 2021

An Endless Cycle

Ever since March, I've been stuck in this endless cycle, living the same day over and over. I'm unemployed and there is a pandemic going on currently, so most days I would be in my house, sometimes for weeks and months at a time. Occasionally I would leave my house to practice driving to earn my license, and even go out for walks just to get some fresh air. For the first few months, it was fine. It felt like I was just taking a break, giving some time to myself to relax. But as time goes, and the more days that I am stuck in my house, I become burnt out of things that I enjoy doing the most, such as playing video games. I am looking forward to the days that this cycle would be over and that life would be back to normal, where I don't have to worry about catching a virus in public.